For the moms with babies in Heaven

Every year in October, I remember my sweet little boy, Benjamin. He was supposed to come into the world on the perfect day: 10/10/10. Instead, Jesus called him home while he was still in my tummy, and my husband and I had to say goodbye before we even got a chance to say hello.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss

But I still love October. It’s National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, so it’s fitting to remember Benjamin and every other child lost from miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or infant death. On one hand, I grieve the lives that ended too soon. But on the other, I rejoice for them. When I think of those babies, safe in the arms of Jesus, I get excited for them! How wonderful to bypass this fallen world and go directly to Paradise! How blessed they are to see Jesus face to face!

I also rejoice for the gift of empathy I’ve been given through the two miscarriages I had. Time has healed so much of my hurt, plus the Lord has blessed me with four other wonderful, healthy children, so I don’t mourn the losses like I used to. But I do remember. I remember the feelings of sadness, shock, despair and hopelessness that came each time a tiny heart stopped beating. I remember my tears. I remember my cries.  So when another mom experiences loss like I did, I know in part how she feels.

Perhaps some of you know too.

Whether it was a month or thirty years ago, you know. You remember. And you have this strange, twisted gift of empathy too.

The Lord is so good. Let us encourage each other and let those who are in the midst of it know – you’re not alone.

If you’re brave enough to listen, here are three songs that I found that were written for women like us. Moms with babies in Heaven.  I love these songs. And I hate them.  And if you’ve been there, that makes perfect sense.



EmilySig Let’s Talk! Tell me about the babies you have waiting for you in Heaven.

1 Comment

  1. Ann

    Wow, I almost totally missed this. When I prepared to forward the marriage video to a friend I noticed your lead in. In only God’s way, that friend lost a child to miscarriage & I had a child born only to die 22 hours later. Now I plan to send this to my sister who lost a child from SIDS. While these deaths happen anywhere from 10-30 years ago, they are all still missed and thought of with love. Each has shaped our lives in one way or the other. In II Corinthians 1, God tells us that he comforts us so that we can comfort others. God bless you for sharing.

1 Comment

  1. Ann

    Wow, I almost totally missed this. When I prepared to forward the marriage video to a friend I noticed your lead in. In only God’s way, that friend lost a child to miscarriage & I had a child born only to die 22 hours later. Now I plan to send this to my sister who lost a child from SIDS. While these deaths happen anywhere from 10-30 years ago, they are all still missed and thought of with love. Each has shaped our lives in one way or the other. In II Corinthians 1, God tells us that he comforts us so that we can comfort others. God bless you for sharing.