How to avoid a conference hangover

It’s the morning after. You’ve just experienced a weekend of great teaching and biblical inspiration. You were on an awesome spiritual high. You hoped it would last. You prayed it would last. But then, Monday came.

conference hangover

There is a “low” that often follows spiritual “highs.” It comes after mission trips, church camp, retreats and conferences. Think of it as the wilderness that comes after the Red Sea.

On the list of top ten spiritual highs, I’m sure that seeing a whole body of water separate like a zipper just long enough for you and thousands of your closest family members to walk across it would be among the top three. However, it was another forty years of wandering before the Israelites claimed the Promised Land. Why?

They allowed their spiritual high to melt into a morning-after feeling of regret, doubt and confusion about the future.

If we’re not careful, our own spiritual high, like what we may experience at a conference, can morph into a season of wandering just like the Israelites’. If you want to maintain your spiritual high and avoid a season of wandering, consider these three tips:

1. Follow the leader

The Israelites’ first problem was that they began to doubt their God-ordained leader. Sure Moses was good enough to lead them across dry land, but was he good enough to keep them from dying of thirst? (Exo. 15:22-25)

God places leaders in our lives in order to help us follow Him. They come in the form of pastors, teachers, parents or mentors. Look at the spiritual leaders in your life. What do they have to offer you? Are you milking them for their wisdom? Now is the time to review your conference notes. Re-read those Bible passages. Listen to that CD. Find out what resources are available to you and maximize on them.

2. Gather manna

God provided food for the Israelites in the form of manna that fell to the ground daily. But the Israelites still had to gather the manna and physically put it into their mouths. They had to DO something. (Exo. 16)

The one thing that is difficult about inspiration is that it doesn’t translate very well into a to-do list. Even after the most spirit-filled sermon, many people default into their old ways simply because they fail to channel that inspiration into specific action items. How were you inspired at your most recent Christian event? Okay, now on a daily basis, what are you going to DO differently? Create a game plan.

3. Anticipate giants

Even after everything the Israelites had been through with Moses, they still doubted God when they faced the giants of Canaan. To them, their big God was suddenly smaller than the giants. (Num. 13:25-33)

You are not going to be the first person to follow Christ and not face obstacles. Yet even though Jesus told us hard times would come, many of us are still caught off guard when they do.  Your “giant” may not come until months after your spiritual high, or it may come on the car ride home. But just remember two things: it will come, and your God is still big enough to handle it.

Did you experience a spiritual high at conference or other event recently? What have you done to safeguard it?


  1. Sherlyn Alridge

    I experienced the high I had anticipated. I loved the conference. When I entered the room I was taken away with the decor…….Outstanding and Excellent. I loved the Praise and worship. Although I am not familiar with all of the songs, i was able to participate and follow along. I thought the program moved smoothly and I embraced the teaching in the gentle way it was given. I loved Jan’s presentation and of course Lauries. I was most impressed with Lisa’s voice and Bill’s elevation of praise. I FELT WELCOMED BY ALL! ~ Priority Staff, The Greeters.. Awesome and even Minister Cole walked through the crowd and made people feel welcome.

    I was impressed that staff knew that we traveled from Texas City to the conference. I am trying to emulate that reflective practice of showing God’s glory in ALL I do. At this point we are without a pastor and I have been a little withdrawn from planning and working with different groups. I am on to NEW FRUIT~I have not felt the let down yet, maybe because I was a little down. Thanks for reminding me about the Story. May the Lord continue to bless each of you and you continue to bless all of his people. can you ask Bill if we can have the lyrics to the songs especially the last one we sang. I know we did it on Friday but I have that tune going with me.

    • Laurie Cole

      Bless your sweet heart, Sherlyn! Thank you for sharing how the Lord encouraged you and your great group of Texas City gals at the conference this weekend. I enjoyed meeting you so much. I’m especially grateful for your comments about the conference music and how much it blessed you. Here’s a link to the lyrics of “You Never Let Go.” And please know that our Priority staff will be praying for your church as you seek a new pastor. Keep glo-ing, girl! Love!

  2. Ernestina

    I enjoyed a fun night out/morning full of encouraging messages & scripture, laughter and music (loved, loved, loved lisa!). It was a conference I’ll never forget. I rededicatd myself to becoming a christian (I had drawn cold and strayed away from God for sometime now. I knew in my heart that praying daily is just not enough) So I am on the path to becoming a disciple. I received the “How Do I Find Grace” cd materials and have been listening to them this week on my way to and from work. I really like the audio cd’s and will be looking into getting some more. I find it as a easy way to feed into the word and receive it. Thank you and Jan for your motivation and high spirits. I truly belive I was touched by the holy spirt that night and I am so thankful for attending. (Thanks to my best friend of 17 years)!


  1. Sherlyn Alridge

    I experienced the high I had anticipated. I loved the conference. When I entered the room I was taken away with the decor…….Outstanding and Excellent. I loved the Praise and worship. Although I am not familiar with all of the songs, i was able to participate and follow along. I thought the program moved smoothly and I embraced the teaching in the gentle way it was given. I loved Jan’s presentation and of course Lauries. I was most impressed with Lisa’s voice and Bill’s elevation of praise. I FELT WELCOMED BY ALL! ~ Priority Staff, The Greeters.. Awesome and even Minister Cole walked through the crowd and made people feel welcome.

    I was impressed that staff knew that we traveled from Texas City to the conference. I am trying to emulate that reflective practice of showing God’s glory in ALL I do. At this point we are without a pastor and I have been a little withdrawn from planning and working with different groups. I am on to NEW FRUIT~I have not felt the let down yet, maybe because I was a little down. Thanks for reminding me about the Story. May the Lord continue to bless each of you and you continue to bless all of his people. can you ask Bill if we can have the lyrics to the songs especially the last one we sang. I know we did it on Friday but I have that tune going with me.

    • Laurie Cole

      Bless your sweet heart, Sherlyn! Thank you for sharing how the Lord encouraged you and your great group of Texas City gals at the conference this weekend. I enjoyed meeting you so much. I’m especially grateful for your comments about the conference music and how much it blessed you. Here’s a link to the lyrics of “You Never Let Go.” And please know that our Priority staff will be praying for your church as you seek a new pastor. Keep glo-ing, girl! Love!

  2. Ernestina

    I enjoyed a fun night out/morning full of encouraging messages & scripture, laughter and music (loved, loved, loved lisa!). It was a conference I’ll never forget. I rededicatd myself to becoming a christian (I had drawn cold and strayed away from God for sometime now. I knew in my heart that praying daily is just not enough) So I am on the path to becoming a disciple. I received the “How Do I Find Grace” cd materials and have been listening to them this week on my way to and from work. I really like the audio cd’s and will be looking into getting some more. I find it as a easy way to feed into the word and receive it. Thank you and Jan for your motivation and high spirits. I truly belive I was touched by the holy spirt that night and I am so thankful for attending. (Thanks to my best friend of 17 years)!