Gideon Mix-up

When my son, Gideon, was young, my husband and I were at a restaurant with him when a waitress stopped to dote on him for awhile. “He’s so sweet,” she said. “What’s his name?

When we told her it was Gideon, she exclaimed, “Oh! That’s a great name. That’s from the Bible, right? You know, most people wouldn’t know that’s from the Bible, but I do! I know all about the Gideon in the Bible! How wonderful!”

Later, when we were about to leave, she came back. She leaned down and got close to my son and started talking to him a sing-song voice. “Bye-bye, Nicodemus! Have a good day, Nicodemus! Be a good boy, Nicodemus…!”

It was all we could do to keep a straight face!

Q: What’s the funniest Bible mix-up you’ve ever heard?