Changes are coming! Join me?


This week I was given the amazing opportunity to trust the Lord more deeply – I lost my job!

For almost four years I was able to partner with some amazing women and use my gifts of writing and speaking through Priority Ministries. It was a dream come true and I could tell that the Lord had directed my steps for a specific purpose.

But now that season is over.

For months, my friend and boss, Laurie Cole (president of Priority), has been praying and seeking wise counsel as she tried to determine what was next for Priority. The details of the story are hers to share and not mine, but the bottom line is that she is approaching a new season of life. Her parents are needing her more and the business side of running a ministry was beginning to weigh on her. She is not shutting down completely or stopping teaching and speaking, but she is simplifying, streamlining and downsizing.

And I fully support her decision.

As we shed our tears and said our goodbyes this week, the hardest part was not the shock of losing my job or the fear of not being able to pay our bills now. The hardest part was knowing that a good thing – a really good thing – was slowly coming to an end. The Lord has blessed Laurie and Priority for over a decade, and I am so honored I got to be a part of His work through the ministry. I will miss what was, but I look forward to what’s to come. I have no doubt that God will continue to bless us and use each of us individually.

So what’s next for me? I have no idea!

I’m not sure if I’ll end up flipping burgers or publishing books or some strange compilation of both. I only know that I will continue to write and I will continue to minister in whatever capacity God places me.

I am sitting on several books, manuscripts and projects that are in various stages of development. As soon as I get an online store up and running, my already-published books will be available once again. As for the other projects, I’m taking it one day at a time, knowing that the Lord is paving the way.

I’d love for you to join me on this crazy journey! Sign up for my email list on the top right corner, and I’ll keep you posted with more details as they come. I’ll also be transferring all of my old blog posts and articles to this website as well in the coming weeks (and giving this website a makeover because – yuck!)

Here’s to trusting Him more deeply!



  1. Candy Baughman
    The Lord bless, keep, and continue to guide you!!

  2. Allison Maricelli Loukanis

    Good for you!

  3. Debbie

    Truly, its been one of the hardest things for me to understand, “seasons”. And it was a very sweetbfriend, thatbwemall know & love, that told me & helped me to understnad. Me, Type A, my will, my way
    How & when I say. ?????. It was a real trip,getting over “self” but its also been the sweetest & bestest trip……”Thamk You Lord”. And this I know…….
    You, sweet Laurie & the fine ladies that have partnered are all amaZing, with a capital Z. ?? And, for sure, Gods got the plans for you each……blessings & love to you & all……..looking for “more to come”.?

  4. Debbie

    Thats, sweet friend, know & love………lololol

  5. Cynthia Baxter

    Looking forward to what the Lord has in store for you. !

  6. Laura Baxter

    I will pray for you!

  7. Amy Renton

    Emily, I am so shocked! But I’m equally at peace for you because I know the Lord you serve. He will guide you every step of the way, and you will follow His leading. I will pay for you and your family as you make adjustments to this new season. Pleeeease keep writing because I really enjoy it, and loved your first written Bible study so, so much! With love. . .

    • Emily E. Ryan

      Thanks Amy! I will definitely continue moving forward with writing – especially with Woven! I will keep you posted! Much love!