When saying yes scares the snot out of you

In a few short hours, I’m going to Israel.

Yes, that Israel. The one that’s over seven thousand miles away.

Despite the fact that I hate flying and do NOT like traveling without my children, Jason and I – along with twenty-plus other people from our church – are answering God’s call for an 11-day service and sightseeing trip to the Holy Land.

And yes, it all scares the snot out of me.

Don’t get me wrong. This is a huge answer to prayer! Ever since I read the Bible through for the first time, I’ve wanted to go and see what Jesus saw and walk where He walked. I’ve prayed for this opportunity for years. For God to increase my knowledge, sharpen my understanding, and deepen my relationship with His Word by allowing me this pilgrimage, if you will.

If only it weren’t so stinkin’ far away!

The only reason why I can even muster up the courage to kiss my kiddos goodbye and wheel my suitcase out my front door is because I’ve noticed a trend in God’s Word. It seems as though God does some of His best work when His children are outside of their comfort zones.

I’m sure it wasn’t comfortable for Abraham to leave his home or for Noah to build the ark or for Moses to stand up to Pharaoh. For David, life as a shepherd had much less drama than life as a king, and Peter could have been quite satisfied had he remained a fisherman his whole life.

But God whispered in their hearts, “Get up. Leave your comfort zone. I want you to get a front row seat to watch what I’m about to do!”

To be honest, going to Israel is just the first of several scary things that God is calling me to do outside of my comfort zone. And so, because I want to grow, because I want to be stretched, because I want to strengthen my faith, I’ll say yes to it all – even though it scares the snot out of me!

I can’t wait to tell you all about it when I return. Until then, I covet your prayers!


How are you saying YES to God right now?

1 Comment

  1. Rose

    So happy for you, Emily. What a testimony to persevering prayer!

    I can relate to getting out of your comfort zone. I needed this encouragement today. Thanks!

    Please don’t wait until you get home to let us know how things are going. 🙂